Stan Vaughan For Nevada State Assembly District 20
“A True Conservative Republican Candidate for Assembly District 20”


I am blessed with the best possible wife one could EVER hope for.

![Stan w family[13155]](https://stanvaughanforassembly.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Stan-w-family13155-300x225.jpg)

![stan vaughan stamp[13142]](https://stanvaughanforassembly.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/stan-vaughan-stamp13142-300x226.jpg)

Stan Vaughan with his campaign manager, AJ Maimbourg

Stan Vaughan with former CCRP Chairman Ed Williams

Stan Vaughan with Trump 2020 State Director Joe Weaver at Debates Watch Party
Why I am running in 2024:
Our District needs an alternative to communism. This legislating is the exploiting of the strong by the weak. In communism, inequality springs from placing mediocrity on a level with excellence.
Upon my being elected, I will strive to promote the improvement of the district and the State of Nevada by confining myself to a legislator’s legitimate duties, by leaving capital to find its most lucrative course, commodities their fair price, industry and intelligence their natural reward, idleness and folly their natural punishment, by maintaining peace, by defending property as opposed to our current representative who wants to abolish it, by observing strict economy in every area and department of the State of Nevada. Let the Government do this-the people will assuredly do the rest.
I am the Conservative Republican Candidate for Assembly District 20.
Walking door-to-door in my Assembly District, I have listened to Nevadans who have said that they simply want a person who is authentic and who will be honest with them, and not another politician who will say anything people want to hear in order to get elected.
I am that person.
I believe our community needs a representative who understands first-hand the issues facing our region and who has the background, education and experience to overcome cynicism and lead Nevada forward.
I will be that representative.
I am excited to report that Southern Nevada is entering a period of unprecedented growth. This growth presents our region with opportunities and challenges that will fundamentally change our communities. The Nevada we know now will not be the same Nevada in ten years.
The actions (or inactions) of the Nevada Legislature in the next legislative session will set the trajectory of Nevada’s great transformation.
Education, workforce development, housing, traffic and transportation, water, and public safety are just a few of the major issues that must be addressed in order to sustain and capitalize upon the expansion in our economy.
With your help, I will work diligently to shape Nevada’s exciting new future.
Husband – married to my wife Tatiana.
Father – Three children – Yan (47), Robert (38) and George (35)
-To advocate for entrepreneurs and small businesses.
-I have an intimate understanding about how the actions (or inactions) of our Legislature impact employers and their employees.
-I believe a strong economy creates a community where:
People better themselves through training and education,
Human life is valued and protected,
We respect our differences in religion and culture,
Poverty is eradicated, and
Crime is reduced, especially crimes that exploit women and children
As an Assemblyman, I will take my experience and advocate for entrepreneurs and small businesses so that they benefit from all the New Nevada economy has to offer.
I WILL work to create community-based solutions to community problems.
My commitment to community service has been and continues to be a foundational principle of my life.
Through my service to nonprofits (June 28 to July 4th this year I volunteered 122 hours in a 168 hour week period to raise money for charity, setting aside political campaigning to raise money for charity) and churches, I have learned that community based nonprofits, charitable organizations and churches have an important role to play in delivering education, serving the needy, and protecting the vulnerable.
I have also learned we have communities where businesses, families and individuals want to contribute to making a difference in the lives of others.
I have also raised money for the Women’s Resources Medical Center of Southern Nevada, a Pro-Life women’s health facility.
Running for the Nevada Legislature is an extension of my commitment to serving our community and our State. As a legislator, I would like to work to push more social services functions out of State agencies and into community based organizations.
I believe all human life is inherently valuable and deserves to be protected and preserved.
Upon being elected, I will continue to advocate for the protection of human life from conception to the grave
I WILL fight for our Constitutional Rights.
In summary, if I am elected, I will:
- Advocate for entrepreneurs and small businesses.
- Work to create community based solutions to community problems.
- Fight for human life from conception to the grave. I have faithfully fought for human life from conception to the grave for many years and I will continue that fight in the Nevada Legislature.
- Fight for our Constitutional Rights.
In closing, please consider the what I believe to be the Conservative vision of government outlined in a few short phrases of the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men. . .”
I want to make sure that Nevadans are equipped for this pursuit through free enterprise, robust economic development, quality education and community empowerment.