Stan Vaughan for Assembly 20 Bill Proposal
Stan Vaughan, Republican Candidate for Nevada Assembly 20 offers bill proposal to protect property rights.
Squatters beware! Stan Vaughan proposes bill to make it easier to remove those illegally staying on private property.
“Governor Ron DeSantis has signed HB 621 into law today, putting an end to the squatters scam in Florida.”
Stan Vaughan states ” I propose to protect Nevada property owners and punish criminals looking to game the system. Squatters have no rights.
My similar bill proposal provides homeowners with remedies against squatting and increases penalties for squatters.
Under my law proposal, a property owner can request law enforcement to immediately remove a squatter if the person has unlawfully entered, has refused to leave after being told by homeowner to do so and is not a current or former tenant in a legal dispute/ This law would also make it a first-degree misdemeanor to make a false statement in writing or providing false documents conveying property rights, a second=degree felony for squatters who cause $1,000- or more in damages, and a first-degree felony for falsely advertising the sale or rent of a residential property without legal authority or ownership.
 Stan Vaughan
2533 East Palmera Drive
Las Vegas, Nevada 89121-4021
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